Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Giveaway Day

It's Giveaway Day and Christine from Why Not Street is giving away this gorgeous hatbox filled with vintage bits and pieces to one lucky BrisStyle blog reader. The sweet little hatbox is adorned with vintage lace, pink ribbon, a tatty flower and filled with vintage scraps. Size: 20cm diameter/11cm height.

To enter simply leave a comment on this post by 31 May when a winner will be drawn randomly.

For two entries mention the giveaway on your own blog and pop back to let us know.

The giveaway is open to international readers.

If you love the hatbox and simply must have one pop over to Christine's shop for a gorgeous selection of hats, hatboxes and accessories.

Good luck!


bubbachenille said...

I Love this, it's gorgeous, yummy and delicious!

marelle said...

very pretty...and useful! i love it!

Selina said...

so beautiful! count me in for this one! one can never have enough vintage goodies!!

Chrisy said...

yes...i know i can't enter...but just have to say what a fabulous giveaway this is!

Chasing Snails said...

This is gorgeous - so dainty and feminine!

mygirl said...

love love love,it gotta have it

The Brissmiths said...

Very pretty - would love it!

Me and My 4 Fellas said... adorable.


Your Cheeky Monkey said...

oooh count me in too! thanks heaps! Soooo gorgeous Monique :)

Your Cheeky Monkey said...

I just blogged about this giveaway too :)

Tasha said...

oooh gorgeous!! please add me to the draw I would love too win :)

Jessi said...

beautiful and girly... just what i need in my male dominated house, to store my sewing bits and bobs in. Gorgeous.

I am giving away a skirt, if anyone has a little girl in their life!!

ittybittyandpretty said...

fingers and toes crossed!!! very very pretty.
%*_*% rosey

Lilly said...

Wow!!! This is gorgeous!
Thanks a lot and please count me in.

Leslie said...

That hatbox is amazing! I love the goodies inside. Pretty.

M.E. Greene said...

I've loved hat boxes since I was just a girl. What a beautiful creation!

EightPP said...

I've always wanted a hatbox!! I've been dilligently searching for one at the thrift store with no avail!

Thanks for the giveaway!

Charity said...

This is really lovely!

Email: stuart434 AT shaw DOT ca

Brenda said...

I love all of that vintage stuff. thanks

Maxine said...

Beautiful!Please enter me!

Christine said...

WOW!! How very petty - I hope I win!

Pamela S. said...

Love love love these great items! Count me in for the giveaway ~

windycindy said...

What a gorgeous hatbox filled with lovely vintage goodies! Please enter my name in your delightful drawing.
Many thanks, Cindi

meagan said...

This is so pretty! I love vintage things. My favourite thing in the world is to go garage saleing and thrifting to see if I can find things that I can fix up so that they're like new again. New things are overrated!

damocamelia said...

Please count me in


Jocelyn said...

Lovely, lovely giveaway. Please enter me.


Thistle Cove Farm said...

This is seriously CUTE!

Amanda ( said...

Love it! Vintage is new thing for me, I never realized how beautiful it could be.

Mommyof2girlz/StephD said...

Love vintage and that hat box is too sweet. Thanks for the giveaway!

Trudy said...

This is so awesome.

Alexandra said...

That is so wonderful.

Angi said...

It's all so fancy, I love it.

Winter Tree said...

oooh - I would love to win this !!! fingers crossed :)

Ashlee said...

This is gorgeous! And Oh the vintage! Thanks for the chance to win!

Sandy Shirley said...

Please pick me!

Jessica said...

Oh I hope I win!!!

klaudia said...

Ohh my goodness!!! This is just so pretty and so tempting!
Thank you for a fantastic giveaway!

Jessica @ Sunny Tuesday said...

It's vintage, it's fantasic, it's vintastic!

michelou said...

vintage stuff! yay!


free indeed said...

So victorian looking. I love embellishments for purses or little girls clothes. Would love to win.

Sara Aj said...

so gorgeous , count me to this, I adore it!! ~ <3 :3

djaj said...

I'm fond of boxes of any kind...
And I especially love what you put inside yours !

Jane said...

Wow, what a great prize! Thanks for the chance to enter.

Anonymous said...

What a chic box! I love all things vintage.

Me said...

What a great idea! I love the lace! Thanks so much for the giveaway!

craftytammie said...

mmm, vintage fabric scraps! heaven!

knitaddict said...

pretty stuff everywhere!!
Joy oh Joy!!
Count me in!

Tia xxx

Liz said...

Pink & vintage - what a fab combination!!
Love it.

hanna said...

oh this looks just lovely.

emtdlb said...

That is just so cute, and who could pass up so much great vintage stuff. Thanks for the chance!!!!

KID, MD said...

SO beautiful!

Andi said...

How fun! What a treasure!

beccy said...

Vintage bits and bobs! I love it, great giveaway :)

Martina said...

This is so nice. Would be great to win it.

Jennifer said...

What a great giveaway! Thanks for the chance! You can enter for my giveaway at

undeadgoat said...

So gorgeous--I love notions!

amymarie said...

sooo pretty - thank you for the chance!


Unknown said...

Cassie Driver

Thanks, this looks cute. I love what you can find in hatboxes! Or any box really. :)

That Crazy Ajumma said...

Yay vintage goodies,who doesn't love vintage goodies!
Thanks for hosting a giveaway!

sewfunky said...

Ohhh, I'm loving it!

Please enter me in the draw, and don't forget to enter mine... :)

Amanda W said...

Oh please enter me in the gorgeous vintage giveaway!

Jesse said...

It looks good enough to eat!

Yours Truly said...

The best giveaway yet!! I linked it on my blog...
I hope I win, I hope I win :D

Lane said...

oh wow....that's just so pretty! *fingers crossed*

flickettysplits said...

Lovely lovely hatbox, and full of such pretty things!

Unknown said...

Oooohhhh, love the hat box!!
What a fantastic giveaway!

Eema-le said...

What a lovely box. I think that I would send it to my MIL if I won.

Maren said...

How pretty. I love vintage!

Jenny said...

Oh please enter me in the gorgeous vintage giveaway! So cute and mysterious!

The Sharp Needle said...

Thanks for the great giveaway!

Max. H said...

This is beautiful! Count me in!

Anonymous said...

Oh I just know this was made for me! I love it! I love everything vintage and this is perfect! Thank you so much for the chance! I can just see it sitting in my bedroom or sewing room of The Stone House.

Mrs Button said...

This would take my creative space to a whole new would even make me feel more creative as I gazed at it.

Deb (Two Cheeky Monkeys) said...

This is just gorgeous! Please add my name to the hat!

Christy クリスティ said...

i can't resist vintage sweetness! Please count me in..

Bill said...

My mom would love this


Tiffany said...

nice choice! tiffeg at

Jemma. said...

Lovely. Thanks guys!

MooBear Designs said...

Yummy Vintage!! Who could resist??!!

We're having a give away too!! YAY

xo Steph

Anonymous said...

interesting give away - thanks - Robert, from Northern Iowa.

Maria said...

Beautiful box, and it's so full of lovely stuff!

hana.k said...

Just having the box sit around would be simply lovely to look at :)

mae said...


The Jeweled Postcard said...

Oh I love it! I just purchased from Christine's Etsy shop and she was kind enough to tell me about this sweet giveaway! It's right up my alley! ((hugs)) Christine


The Jeweled Postcard said...

It's on my blog!!!!!!

Gossamer Creations said...

What a beautiful giveaway....please enter me !!

Anonymous said...

How deliteful!

annasoc said...

What a darling hatbox and I loved that it is filled with vintage goodness. What a fun treat.
Anna S.

Little Lady Cakes said...

There's not a reason why I would not love this.

There are bazillion reasons why I do!

Super Fun Mama said...

SOOOOOOOO beautiful! Wow!

Jules@MoonCatFarms said...

What a wonderful idea for a giveway. Please enter me in the drawing and thank you.

renee said...

I would like to win this wonderfull gift

Bronwyn said...

Gorgeous - great giveaway! I love a bit of vintage loveliness.

Jeanie said...

What a fabulous giveaway, thanks ! Please include me in the draw :)

Karen said...

I love vintage items. this hatbox is divine!

Miri said...

Please count me in! Thank you so much for your generosity! samjerus[at]

Beverly said...

I think its such a treasure, htboxes in Singapore are a rare find otherwise expensive. I just started trying to sewing a pillbox hat and winning this would be awesome!

zees5 said...

This is a VERY nice giveaway. Thanks!

Kim said...

fingers crossed!

babalisme said...

I am going to be thrilled even if I only get the box.

Zarah said...

That is the MOST amazing thing I have ever seen...!! *falls head over heels in love*

Stitchbird said...

Oohhh it looks like Pandora's box. Thank you for the opportunity to participate in this loveliness. I have won already by finding your blog! (Do you win double entries for suck up!)

Tangos Treasures said...

Wow that is sooo beautiful!!
Thank you for the chance to win it!!

Ali said...

What a lovely giveaway - thanks Christine :)

Sonja said...

Wow! How much fun to be the one who gets to open that lovely package :)

Unknown said...

That box looks fun to open and so pretty too. Thanks for the giveaway.

Anonymous said...

i adore hatboxes--esp ones filled with goodies.....hope i win this one

susan said...

Fabulous give-away! I'm drooling right now!
susan G

Nuttygirl said...

Very pretty! What a great giveaway.

RubyJunes said...

beautiful hatbox o'goodies!
Thanks for offering a giveaway!

rubyjunes @ verizon . net

sfer said...

The hatbox is lovely... but it's filled with vintage bits and pieces?? That's just too much!!

Thanks for the great giveaway!!


Marsel said...

Wow, I have always adored hatboxes, and this one is gorgeous!

Jingle said...

Oh, this is just pure vintage fabulousness! I love it!

Kings said...

so cute!

Kathleen C said...

What a lovely and thoughtful giveaway this is.
Thanks, Kathleen

miss aine said...

How cute! I'd love to be in with a chance to win.

momma rae said...

ooh! i can only imagine what goodness waits inside this sweet little box! thanks for the opportunity!

Wood Violet said...

So beautiful - I love me some vintage :)
Thanks for offering such a lovely giveaway.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the chance to win!

jeannine said...

Great giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win!

Unknown said...

What a beautiful giveaway package. I love it!

Anonymous said...

I love the vintage-ness of it all =) Really nice!

Louisa said...


choquelicot said...

I like vintage and that hat box is too sweet

Å olanje na domu-Waldorf said...

Awesome giveaway. Thanks for the chance.
x Natasha x

ni said...

I Love beautiful boxes ( and collect them too) and when its full of awesome goodies then they are perfect.count me in please.

Aik said...

I'd love to participate! Thanks!=)

Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm Evelyn and I'd LOVE to win this awesome giveaway!


DBuckelew said...

This hatbox is adorable!

Beth Walker / Evan Walker said...

Very chic. Nice job.

Nuts To You! said...

This is a beautiful box! I have always wanted a hat box:)


twins2005 said...

Would love this! count me in!

lholy-chan said...

Wow it's beautiful! Thank you for this giveaway! :) I love the idea of hat boxes. Isn't it wonderful to be able to store your hats in pretty boxes? I'm going to have a look at the store right after I post this.

lholy_chan [[at]] yahoo [[dot]] com

Anonymous said...

This is an awesome giveaway--thanks for your generosity-please enter me!!

A Joyful Chaos said...

Ooooh this is so beautiful. I can't think of a way to properly describe how much I am hoping to win this. I am hoping with all my heart that I will be the proud new owner!

bethany said...

so pretty. I love it. Thank you so much for being willing to put this up for grabs. It is truely cool!!

Ginny said...

This is darling, I love it!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful, generous giveaway! I love the hats on your etsy site.

grandmarockton said...

wow! I'm in love so CUTE! thanks

Unknown said...

Beautiful!!! Thanks so much for the chance to win this lovely hat box!

Ida/FarEastLogbook said...

What a great giveaway. Absolutely gorgeous. Thanks

Rie said...

Awww, this is so cute!

faith said...

Oh what fun. My sister would love this!!

Rachelle @ Aud and Crafts said...

This giveaway is so beautiful, thanks fo sharing!!!

Andrea, the little collector said...

Oh my I love that lace! What a fun giveaway. Hope I have a bit of lacy luck!

Elizabeth said...

oh, the vintage! i 'm a swing dancer and i'd make such loving use of this!

Anonymous said...

Awesome giveaway!

I'm 8, and I have my own sewing blog. My mom is teaching me to sew. I am also doing a giveaway. So please come and put your name in.

My mom is doing the giveaway too. Her blog is

Tawny said...

I love old fashioned things like hatboxes. Nobody uses them for what they really are for, but they are perfect pieces of decoration. The one you are giving away is beautiful and so classic! Thanks for the opportunity to enter!

Maevy said...

Beautiful vintage! This is adorable, thank you for this giveaway.

Goosefeather said...

Super prizes. Thanks for playing!

Mia said...

Your vintage box of goodies is already inspiring me! Thanks for the opportunity.

Anonymous said...

What a lovely giveaway - I adore vintage goodies :)

Kendra said...

What a beautiful box of treasures! Thanks for considering me. ;)

Mary said...

Beautiful! Thanks for the chance to win.

ugli.tangelo.fruit at gmail dot com

Jonas said...

How beautiful! That is very unique! Thanks for participating in the giveaway and telling us about Christine's shop :)


Stacy said...

What a wonderful giveaway. I love hat boxes and you decorated this one very beautifully!

Anonymous said...

Such fun!


Doris said...

What a great giveaway! Throw my name in the ha, PLEASE!
