Monday, December 14, 2009

December Featured Members and Giveaways - PART 2

Can you believe it's almost the end of 2009 already? And here we are, down to our last two BrisStyle blog giveaways for the year. So please whoop it up for these two very talented lucky last BrisStyle members, as they give us the sneak peak into their wonderful worlds of crafty goodness and offer up some truly delectable creations for two lucky readers to win.

To enter the giveaway is simple - just leave us a comment at the bottom of this post. For more info (and to find out how to score an extra entry) read The Rules at the bottom of the post. Good luck everyone :)

Introducing BrisStyle member...

NAME: Chrisy
ETSY SHOP NAME: Art Decadence

1. Can you please describe the items you are giving away to one of our readers?

I’m donating an Alice in Wonderland plate with hand applied decals of Alice, playing cards, clock numbers, and the words 'Nothing's impossible’. The base plate is vintage porcelain from Rosenthal Germany. The plate measures 7.5 inches across and has been double fired for durability.

2. How would you describe your work?

Everchanging! I’m lucky that I’ve always found it easy to slip into ‘play’ mode and being easily bored I like to try different mediums often.

3. How did your Etsy shop come into being?

When I discovered Etsy a couple of years ago it was a great inspiration to me. Here was a space filled with people on the same wavelength as me! I’ve always enjoyed being creative but it was Etsy that focussed me. And through the site I started networking with other artists through teams – DUST, BrisStyle – and other Etsy sellers blogs. This led to a real feeling of connection with other artists which has been reinforced through my own blog started ten months ago.

4. Who or what inspires you?

I believe we’re all artists. Whatever we’re doing in life we can do it creatively. Having said that I know how soul destroying it can be to spend time doing things that are a long way from what you want to be doing – and how wonderful it is to have the time to be creative. It’s a real privilege. I hope I can be always moving forward trying new things and maintaining a curious mind.

5. Do you ‘reduce, reuse, recycle’ as part of your creative process?

As I sit here surrounded by preloved décor and art materials a phrase comes to mind “My name is Chrisy and I’m a thrift shop addict”. And this porcelain series is the ultimate in recycling. All pieces are secondhand, but in pristine condition.

6. Can you describe your studio / work area?

Because of the need for water and an oven, this series is completed in my kitchen. I dream of a house with a big studio where I can play and just close the door on the resultant mess!

7. What is your favourite thing in the shop at the moment?

My favorite item at the moment is the shoe. It’s so different.

8. Do you have any other places that people can view/purchase your work?

My blog – Artdecadence


Introducing BrisStyle member...


1. Can you please describe the item you are giving away to one of our readers?

The item that I am giving away is a dendritic opal wire-wrapped pendant. This gorgeous stone has been cut into a twisted teardrop shape and handcrafted with sterling silver wire into an absolutely unique pendant.

The stone is a yellow opal with quartz deposits and creeping black dendrites. The dendrites are iron silicates deposited in cracks in the opal and are shaped like trees. Very cool!

2. How would you describe your work?

I work with precious metals in one of the most ancient forms of jewellery-making – wire-wrapping. Because wire-work uses no chemicals or soldering and only a few tools, the design styles are almost infinite and always absolutely unique. My first love is creating pendants out of exceptional stones – each one ends up being of singular design – unrepeatable! I try to make sure that my embellishments compliment the stone, to enhance what nature has provided me with.

3. How did your Etsy shop come into being?

My Etsy shop came into being through selfish means! My dad has always been a rockhound and specimen collector and I’ve always drooled over his collection. But all they do is sit in boxes. So one day when he won a wonderful collection on Ebay, he ended up with some pieces that he didn’t want. So I absconded with them. But they didn’t do me much good sitting in boxes, I wanted to take them out and show them off. So I got some tutorials about wirewrapping from off the net and it all snowballed from there. Soon I had far too many to wear myself, so to feed my obsession to make more, I had to sell them. And Etsy turned out to be the perfect forum to do so!

4. Who or What inspires you?

Like so many artists, I am inspired by nature, especially as I am working with some of her finest creations. The breadth of colours, texture and form that rocks come in is completely awe-inspiring. I never fail to be amazed by what comes out in the next cut, it’s so exciting!

5. Can you describe your studio / work area?

This is quite an embarrassing question, as up until very recently, I worked on a stable table on my lap. It has little jellybeans as its background picture. This was extremely convenient (not the jellybeans, the table), as I could move my mess from room to room, and I don’t need a lot of space. But with the continuing mobility and trail of destruction that my little daughter is wreaking, I had my husband build me a little shelf/desk next to my computer in the living room. All of my rocks live in plastic display boxes, ready to inspire my next creation, and my wire is safe and snug in a portable file under my shelf. I’m not going to share a picture because it’s an absolute pigsty at the moment, and I have absolutely no inclination to tidy it until I lose one of my pairs of pliers into its abyss.

7. What is your favourite thing in the shop at the moment?

I absolutely adore my lepidolite necklet, I’m so very very proud of it! I’d never created a complete piece before, just the pendants, and to incorporate one into a necklace all of my own design, created by my own hand was very very exciting. It’s a very definite statement piece, but absolute elegance incarnate. Can you tell I’m just a wee bit proud?

8. Do you have any other places that people can view/purchase your work?

My own personal webpage (still in various states of disrepair – maybe I’ll get to it after Christmas) -
Flickr page -
My blog -
I’m a Twit -
And my Facebook fanpage -


Thank-you Chrisy and El

The rules:

Simply leave a comment on this post to be in the running to win one of these two fabulous giveaways. Be sure to leave a way for us to contact you. If you don't have a blog, please include your email address. Only one entry per person. You may enter twice if you mention this giveaway on your blog. If you choose to do this, please pop back after posting to your blog and include the url address to the post it was mentioned on here in the comments. This will count as your second entry. International folk are welcome to enter. BrisStyle members and their immediate families (ie: husbands/partners, dependent children, and their computer savvy pets) are excluded from entering all BrisStyle giveaways. A name will be randomly drawn on the 28th of this month and the winner will be announced on the blog on that same day.

And that, my friends, is it for the 2009 BrisStyle Giveaways. Good Luck Everyone, and Happy New Year from the BrisStyle team. XXX


Becky said...

What lovely designers to end the year on. I love the fact that they both put a modern twist to a classic concept - very cool!

Merry Christmas and Happy NYE!


Purple Paisley Patch said...

WOW!!!! These artists have certainly found their niche and are creating awesome pieces.
Thanks for the giveaway and for introducing these great designers, I'm off to check out the links.

Preserving Pearls said...

Thanks for another chance to own some fabulous brissy art :-) and merry Christmas to all!

SquiggleMum said...

Oh wow. Two fabulous pieces from two obviously talented artists. Brissy is lucky to have such creative people!!

Melissa said...

Wow, I love that people come up with ideas that are so creative and clever. This stuff is absolutely amazing and it deserves an audience!

Jacquie said...

Oh wow. Fabulously talented artists.
What a great giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Very beautiful! Talented designers!
Merry Christmas!

Alison said...

I would love to win both or either! Both look wonderful and its clear the designers have talent and skill.


Teresita said...

Chrisy, You are very talented,Your pieces are wonderful!I would be honored to win.My email is

Lily said...

what a lovely giveaway- thank you very much!

Hot Fudge said...

I know I'm ineligible for this giveaway, but I have to say what great interviews these are and what fabulous goodies some lucky person will win. I'm really sad that it won't be me!

Anonymous said...

Both pieces are beautiful and fun! Thank you for the chance to win one!

Marlier Designs said...

Another great chance to win wonderful prizes! I have loved reading the interviews too :)

ktkins said...

I'm super excited about this giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity to win such great prizes.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to win the gorgeous alice in wonderland plate my fingers are crossed.I have always loved alice in wonderland since I was a little girl.Thanks.Marian

Unknown said...

I would love to give the Alice in Wonderland plate to my sister. She loves all things Alice.
Beautiful work from both artists, thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

I would be delighted to receive either prize - my little girl would love the plate and let's face it, who could resist such a gorgeous pendant?? (And I can see why El is so proud of the necklace - it is STUNNING!)
Thanks for the giveaway & Merry Christmas to all the Bris-stylers!

Firecracker Kid said...

Ah, wonderful artists. My married daughter loves Alice In Wonderland. Please enter me. Merry Christmas! Carol

Firecracker Kid said...

I have posted this giveaway to my blog, which in turn will make it visible to Facebook.

Rie said...

I simply adore the teacup & saucer... edgey but still sophisticated!

Alissa Grosso said...

Well, I love both of these items, but that Alice in Wonderland plate is really cool.

alissagrosso at gmail dot com

jc said...

Thanks for this awesome giveaway, I hope I win!

AmbreRose said...

If I got the Alice plate then I would have to have a party when the new alice movie comes out.
And if I won the pendent then I would were it all the time. I've always been in love with opals, and this one is unique.

Anonymous said...

I agree I think we should have a Alice in wonderland BrisStyle party when the movie comes out how cool would that be I dont mind holding it at my place...Love the giveaway!!!!

Juliea said...

such a fabulous giveaway!! So glad to have the opportunity!

Ronnie said...

Both of the prizes are sooo beautiful! Thanks for giving us the chance to win them. :)


Ronnie said...

I posted about this awesome giveaway in my blog. Here's the link:


Glo said...

I really like the opal wire-wrapped pendant


Anonymous said...

Adorable plate!

Anonymous said...

Would love to win the plate for my niece, or the pendant. For my sister :)

tazimd said...

Love these artists, especially the "shoe"!

tazimd at gmail dot com

va said...

great giveaway ! love the pendant and plate :)



AlisonWonderland said...

OH MY GOD! I love Alice in wonderlad anything! It was even the theme for my first tattoo...I simply must win that amazing plate!

The pendant's absolutely gorgeous too!
gemini5757 at hotmail dot com

pippirose said...

They are both beautiful...I'd love the chance to win either.
pippirose59 at gmail dot com

Birgit said...

Oh wow -- such great prizes! Thanks for the chance. :)

Greetings from Munich,

squareby said...

Beautiful giveaway. Two very different kinds of work, both very inspiring.

Sarah Lulu said...

I always try to imagine six impossible things before breakfast.

Alice ... yes Alice.

Happy Christmas. xx

Anonymous said...

Fabulous prixes, thanks for the chance to win.

monsterknits at

Linna said...

I love the designe. Please enter me. :D

linna.hsu at gmail dot com

Beverley Baird said...

What great giveaways! Love the work of these artists.

Stick 'n' Giggle said...

I would love to be in the draw to win either of these gorgeous prizes up for grabs...AMAZING!!!!!
Happy BrisStyle Christmas!

Madmother said...

Incredible, stunning, unique...

Thanks for the chance to win either of these!

throuthehaze said...

Great giveaway!

throuthehaze at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

How cool!


Le said...

just lovely as always - loving the cup and saucer - just very very !!

Merry xmas to you all you stylish bunch of brisvegas crafters and artists - so enjoy poping by from whoop whoop - best le

Le said...

here we go girls - been and bloged - best le

Kalynda said...

oh wow, I just adore the Alice in Wonderland plate!! <3

The jewellery is gorgeous too :)

'Bellabjoux' said...

Wow!! What beautiful things. Well done gals! I lurve the shoe!! One for my 'latest lust haves'

Merry Xmas all you BrisStylettes :)


Unknown said...

Wow! Everything's beautiful :)

wintam said...

Alice AND recycling???? you can't beat that...

Lilyfields said...

Wonderful pieces
Fabulously talented artists


K said...

Oh wow! Incredible! I would love to be a lucky owner of such beautiful items!