This week the BrisStyle team caught up with Ali from TIGA Designs for a chat about her gorgeous work inspired by her children.
How would you describe your work?
Cute, simple uncomplicated designs that entail high quality workmanship. Every item I create is designed to perform a function, meet a need, and be aesthetically pleasing.

How did your Etsy shop come into being?
When I started creating items for my children to enjoy and then their friends, I realized that there were a lot of people that could not sew, and were not satisfied with the mass produced items that were constantly being presented to them as the only option in stores.
My messenger bags were designed for my 2 year old and 4 year old children who were seeking independence and wanted to carry their own bags into and out of day care. The bags they had were just too heavy for them to manage. I designed a bag to be lightweight, with a strap to be worn across their body to distribute the weight, and just the right size to carr
y their lunch, water bottle and a hat. When other parents saw them and told me they were exactly what they had been looking for, I launched my etsy store.
Who or what inspires you?
I always feel so inspired when I see other people that are pursing their dreams, and achieving small goals through hard work, positivity and dedication. It helps to reinforce my belief in myself and the knowledge that “GIRLS CAN DO ANYTHING”.

Do you ‘reduce, reuse, recycle’ as part of your creative process?
I am pleased to say that most things in my store have a component to them that has lived a former life. My "messenger bags" often have repurposed fabric in cute designs on their cover flaps, and old buttons that have been reclaimed. My little boys “car cards” have been made using old paint colour swatches sourced from a friend that owns a colour consulting business. Some of the magnets I have in store were once old business cards that had an error in the email address when printed. I want to leave this planet in a better state than when I arrived and will look out for every opportunity to create from the unwanted items that surround me.
Can you describe your studio / work area?
Studio/work area….what’s that? I can only dream. I always do my actual making at the kitchen table as it is a lovely flat surface to work, and allows me to oversee what mischief the kids are getting up to. I also think that it the best place in the house to enjoy the winter sun, the summer breeze, and the lovely outlook. I find that I produce high quality craftsmanship when I am relaxed, comfortable and enjoying the making experience.
What is your favourite thing in the shop at the moment?
Sometimes it is the simple things you love the best. My cute “Girls of the World” magnets.
Check out more TIGA Designs here:
TIGA Designs on Etsy
TIGA Designs on madeit
Really love the aesthetic and philosophy of what you do Mel!
Congrats Ali on a great write up! I do love the girls of the world magnet!
Belinda xx
After seeing all your goodies up close and giving them for Christmas pressies I know how fab they are Ali!
Reading the story behind how they come to life makes them even more special now. Can't wait to see your "girl's of the world" up close at the next BrisStyle Market you do.
what a great interview, really inspiring!
Lovely interview Ali! Your children are indeed gorgeous... its no wonder they inspire you to create beautiful things!
Rach x
I wish I had a bag like that when I was a little girl - so cute! Lovely story.
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