Monday, June 6, 2016

Kim from Cacycat is this week's Monday Maker

This week we get an insight into our own Lego lady, Kim from the label Cacycat. Kim and I have shared a table often at BrisStyle markets and during that time I have seen firsthand how she has grown with her label. Let's find out where her creative journey has taken her now.

Hi Kim and thanks for sharing your thoughts with us.

Were you creative as a child and do you come from a creative family?

I've been crocheting since I was about 7 years old and have always been interested in lots of crafts from a young age! 

Mum used to make us a homemade playdough so we would make little things out of it. Then she'd dry it in the oven or on the windowsill and we'd paint it to put on display or give as gifts :)

How would you describe your work?

My work is generally inspired by geeky/nerdy or quirky things so lots of colourful jewellery made from LEGO(r), crochet amigurumi toys of movie characters, trendy baby things and funky toys. 

How has your work evolved since you started?

I do my research, what's trending, check what lots of other people are selling so I don't sell the same or at least have my own spin on it that is unique to my brand. That's how I started making more crochet things like toys as I tested out my style and found a wanted gap in the local market :) 

How did you start selling on Etsy?

Someone mentioned it to me years ago so I just looked it up and signed up! After attending a BrisStyle workshop I finally found graphic design packages on Etsy for an Etsy Shop look and feel. I bought it and it was a turning point in establishing my online brand through Etsy.

Who or what inspires you?

Colour inspires me. And yarn, the touch, the feel, the possibilities! And I'm obsessed with Pinterest. LOL!

Do you reduce, reuse or recycle as part of your creative process?

Lots of the LEGO I use is either used or vintage so I upcycle it and I've rescued plenty of yarn from deceased estates (donated to me). 

Can you describe your workspace to us?

Things are constantly evolving from sitting in front of the TV working out of a small container to having a desk and office space and now several shelves full of yarn. I do a lot of my work still on the couch though binge watching Netflix ;)

 Do you have a favourite thing to make?
Anything crochet is my fave. Mostly toys that are my own design.

How did your business name come about?

I've had the email address Cacycat since I was a teenager it came from my maiden initials K C - Cacy and I've always loved cats! So it made sense to keep it and use Cacycat as my business name as it feels like part of my identity.

Where do you see your creative journey taking you in the next 12 months?

In the next 12 months I'd like to expand my range and set up and finally create my own website.

Do you have a top tip for others wanting to into the handmade market?

Find the niche that suits you. 

Do your research and find something different you can do to a great quality for a reasonable profit.  

Can you describe your typical creative day?

I crochet on the bus to work, at lunch, on the way home on the bus or in the car and there after dinner on the couch!

I feel weird if I haven't crocheted all day!

Do you have a favourite quote?
"Fail to Plan: Plan to Fail"

Do you have a favourite TV program to watch while making?

Just watching my soapie or movies with my toddler :) And my fave movie is 'Silence of he Lambs'.

Where can we find you online and in the flesh?

I have stock in Reverse Garbage Emporium.

And I can be found online here:

How long have you been a member  of BrisStyle?

I think it's been about 5 or 6 years.

And how did you find out about BrisStyle?

I honestly can't remember, LOL, I think I heard through another stall holder at another market. Or maybe just through my research online.

Why did you become a member?

For the support, the info sessions and at the time, access to be a part of a regulated genuine handmade marketplace.

My favourite question Kim is, Why do you craft?

Because it makes me happy and calm, (mostly) and gives our family a little extra money to do the things we want or need to do.

Thank you so much Kim for sharing your wealth of experience with us today, and see you at the next BrisStyle market.

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