Christmas is often associated with stressed out department store crowds and crying kids being photographed on Santa's knee. And why do we do it? Because it is nice to give and receive. And Christmas is a chance to celebrate this. Seeing faces light up as we hand out presents, and receiving thoughtful gifts ourselves, most often makes all the pre-Christmas stress worth enduring.
So to celebrate the warm fuzzy side of the upcoming festive season (and to kick-start our own holiday cheer as we approach our first ever upcoming Christmas market) the BrisStyle team has put together three huge packs of handmade goodies from 17 BrisStyle members, to be given to three lucky random winners. And you don't have to elbow your way through any crowds to enter either!
"And what's the catch?" I hear you say. Well there's none, fair readers! Very simply, this is a promotional exercise for BrisStyle and its members, to showcase the quality and variety of our wares, and to make people aware of our blog, and our members' shops, which we hope you might visit. But you don't have to. No pressure. Really. We're just not like that.
To enter is simple.
Just leave a comment at the bottom of this post, answering the following question: "How Did You Hear About BrisStyle?" Simple as that. Winners will be posted on this blog on Monday 24th November and you will have a week to contact us to arrange the postage of your gift pack! Easy peasy :)
Please note that this giveaway is open to international readers as well as Aussies!!! The only people who cannot enter are BrisStyle members and their immediate family. Also, only one entry per person - just to be fair.
So what can I win?
Here it is folks - time for me to rub my hands together in glee and do a little happy dance as I show you the goodies to be won. Each gift pack is valued at over US $100, and they are all of equal quality, value and gorgeousness!
Drum roll please..... (now imagine a lovely assistant with a cheesy smile and an evening gown doing wonderful ballet-like display motions with her hands as we present these packs....you know....like Sale of the Century....all classy like. Noice!)
You can click on the item name to view a larger image in Flickr, or click on the shop name to view the associated member's shop - go on, you know you want to ;)


1. Messy Matilda, by Wicked Child Designs 2. Carousel Rose (girls room art print), by Twinkle Star Art 3. Denim tote, by Little Mary Moo 4. Paper Gals Paper Doll, by Sharlzndollz 5. Vintage sunglasses & handstitched case, by Art Decadence 6. Ruby Red Vintage Button Earrings & Love2GoGo Charm Bracelet by Ruby Red Studios & Ruby2GoGo
1. For Girl & For Boy Softies, by Made by Maisie 2. Brooch from old books, by REread 3. Butterfly print (matted), by Eliza's Art 4. Brooch from old books, by REread 5. Dandelion Clock shoulder bag, by Beckybean 6. Brooch from old books, by REread 7. Julie Coquelicot (pretty pop) Hat by SMboutique

So to quickly recap, here's all the essential details:
How To Enter: Answer the question: "How did you hear about BrisStyle?" in the comments section below.
Giveaway End Date: Entries will close on Friday 21st November midnight Aussie time. We will draw the winners at a special BrisStyle function on Saturday 22nd November, and the winners will be posted on Monday morning (24th November 2008).
Who Can Enter: Anyone (international readers as well) except for BrisStyle members and their immediate families.
Good luck everyone - and thanks for joining us in raising a bit of Christmas Spirit. And a merry merry pre-Christmas season to you all :)
The BrisStyle Team!
Who Can Enter: Anyone (international readers as well) except for BrisStyle members and their immediate families.
Good luck everyone - and thanks for joining us in raising a bit of Christmas Spirit. And a merry merry pre-Christmas season to you all :)
The BrisStyle Team!
1 – 200 of 316 Newer› Newest»Wheee! I love blog competitions!
I heard about BrisStyle from one of my favourite blogs:
Pick me! Pick me!
xx Helen
Talk about mega excitement.
Another fan who heard about your blog via Bec at http://specialsmallstuff.blogspot.com/
Just so you know I have emailed a whole heap of Brisbane girlfriends plugging your Christmas market I wish I lived close enough to attend myself. :-(
What a great giveaway! I've been following BrisStyle for a while now on bloglines and can't remember where I originally read about it (maybe on one of your member's blogs) but as a fellow Brisbanite I do remember being very excited to find it!
Hey there, I saw you on the Etsy forum! Heck, who doesn't LOVE free giveaways??
Rove McManus (from the Aussie show Rove Live) was here on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno not long ago, he's really cool! I saw his interview with Daniel Radcliffe a while back on YouTube, it was really funny.
"Who would you go gay for?"
"Albert Einstein, because intelligence is sexy!"
Great giveaway! I saw the ad for BrisStyle on MixTape, and then by reading the blog special small stuff. Kath.
fantastic goodies!! i first heard of brisstyle through hey harriets blog!
Hello! I Heard About This On Etsy!
Sounds Really Cool!!
Please Pick Me!!! Pretty Please With A Cherry On Top And Chocolate Fudge! :)
Liliana :) :) :)
"Another fan who heard about your blog via Bec at http://specialsmallstuff.blogspot.com/"
Snap! Me too.
Pick me!
I think I first heard about BrisStyle through the Small Stuff Blog and now I subscribe to Mixtape and saw it again there.
Great craft collective idea.
Laura, in Perth
Another who's stumbled across you via Bec @ http://specialsmallstuff.blogspot.com/
Merry christmas to all :)
Oh wow!! What a great giveaway!
I found BrisStyle via The Small Stuff Blog
So glad I did. Putting you in my bloglines list right now! :o)
I would love to win one of these prize packs! Found out about the comp from Hey Harriet.
Fantastic giveaway packs! Love the softies!
I heard about BrisStyle in the etsy forums. I think that the BrisStyle team is a fabulous gathering of talented artists. I particularly like the fact that you represent so many different art mediums (and live in a land I can only dream of visiting).
I found out about BrisStyle, but this blog actually. I never have heard about it before. It would be a really nice holiday present and yes, less stressful then standing in all those lines for gifts.
I would love the chance to win.
I'll love to win any of the prizes above! They're fabulous!
Haha. I knew about BrisStyle from my friend! She was saying, "Go to this website, i'll send you the link!"
And im very glad i did!
Hi! I heard about BrisStyle in the etsy forums so now I'm here! Thank you so much for the entry! Good luck everyone! http://papergirlproductions.etsy.com
WOW! SO many comments! I hope i still have a chance!
I'll love to win any of the gift packs! Never bought anything from the shops listed before so it'll be great to win something so that if i love it(most possibly!), i'll be back to buy more stuff from their shop!
I read about your blog through http://createandbehappy.wordpress.com/
Thanks so much for the chance!
How lovely & sweet of BrisStyle to give such an awesome & fabulous giveaway to us readers! Im so touched! And of course, excited!
I saw your blog from http://heyharriet.blogspot.com/ & im so glad that i went to your link!
Thanks so much for this giveaway!
I love the items you're giving away! I was just looking around & went to each seller's shop to see what they sold & i must say that all the sellers are really talented & creative! Thumbs up for all the effort! By the way, i found your blog through http://specialsmallstuff.blogspot.com/
Thank you so much for such a great giveaway..
Great competition guys...I can't find anything that I wouldn't love to own!
I found out about BrisStyle from etsy forums.
Hopefully I'll be hearing from you soon regarding my big win....PRETTY PLEASE!
I heard about this blog from Hey Harriet's Shadow Shot Sunday. & I just have to say what a generous way to promote your business. Lovely items you have pictured here!
heard about the blog from Robyn
Will attempt to get to the hamiton Hall
Great Idea
I found out about Brisstyle from my Mum . . . . .who IS Hot Fudge! So I suppose that counts me out as immediate family.....d'oh! Knew I should have asked my 3-year-old daughter to enter!!!
Love all the Brisstyle stuff - good luck everyone!!!
Amazing gifts! soo creative and beautiful!
I found brisstyle from another blog called hotfudge8 :D
lc_intocable [at]yahoo [dot] com
I subscribe to The Small Stuff too. The selection of items looks gorgeous!!!
oh what a giveaway! i found brisstyle thru the small stuff and mixtape back page! great idea ladies, good luck at your market!
love fi
what a wonderful giveaway..I am here because of my wonderful friend Tracy or heyharriet..and hoping to win, rabbits ears crossed ;p
You girls rock - this all looks fantastic, well done and Merry Chrissy to all of you.
I heard about you guys from the wonderful girls at www.embelish.blogspot.com
Luv Lee x
Wow I love all the packages and I found my way here from www.embelish.blogspot.com too...
This is truly a wonderful giveaway! I've been reading thesmallstuff for a wee while and that's how I found out about this.
I heard about you guys from Love, Janie Lou's blog, I got to love, janie lous blog from a business card of theirs from my friend Anastasia/ so glad I found you guys!
What a great giveaway! I heard about BrisStyle over at Bec's blog - The Small Stuff.
I found you through a friend on facebook :-)
Sounds great!
Hi! This is a way cool blog giveaway..The coolest by far! I read about this on the thread you started on etsy..so here I am! Thanks for the opportunity!
What lovely generous gift packs. I read about your give-away in the Embelish blog (embelish.blogspot.com)
ooohhh some great goodies in those packs.
i made it here from
i heard about this page from a facebook. Love the Wicked Child Designs dolls!!
Thanks so much for the chance to win! You have such great talent on your team...any of the packs would be a delight to win!!
I came to be aware of BrisStyle via our mutual friend Ms. Tracy of Hey Harriet. I have a special fondness for her cool kids...and would love to add Grammo Girl to my little collection. But with so many wonderful offerings...it would be a thrill to win any of them!!
Thanks again for the chance to win...and best wishes for your Christmas Market!!
wow - what awesome prizes!
I heard about you from embellish.blogspot.com
Please neter me - I've got all fingers, toes, and everything else crossed!!!!!
BrisStyle!!!...who else would tell me about such wonderful going ons, if not for my fabulous friend over at Hey Harriet !
Hi from the UK
What a lovely competition. Heard about it from
Thank you :-)
I heard about BrisStyle on the Etsy forums. What a super cool giveaway! Unique shops!
crossing fingures.
I found this blog at backtack, that simple??? Now, wish me luck.
What an amazing Giveaway! I have one too for November - a print (Sunset for 2 featuring 2 kitties and a palm tree sunset) and a Soul Reading @ http://SoulReaderBlog.blogspot.com
Please enter me in your contest and thanks so much!
I'm from Brisbane as well! Redland Shire to be exact but close enough. This is a very generous giveaway. Thanks to all those who donated gifts for prizes. I heard about this giveaway on Hey Harriet's blog on the Sunday Shadows. I don't have a blog so here are my details
Sally Doyle
(waves to all from the bayside!)
It was a dark and stormy night; the rain fell in torrents, except at occasional intervals, when it was checked by a violent gust of wind which swept up the streets (for it is in BrisneyLand that our scene lies), rattling along the housetops, and fiercely agitating the scanty flame of the lamps that struggled against the darkness.
In vain did we tussle with the elements. My companion, Lord Cecil Constantine-Stoat, cursed aloud: “By Jove! I have left my BrisStyle Urban Sombrero back at the Bounder’s Club – I shall have to procure another if we are to survive the night!”
BrisStyle. It was the first time I had heard the name. But it was not to be the last…
Yay! What a fabulous giveaway - so many great items in the packs!
I also found out about the giveaway through my sister Bec, who has the blog http://specialsmallstuff.blogspot.com/.
This is an amazing giveaway!!! I heard about Bris Style through Bec's blog http://specialsmallstuff.blogspot.com/
Like so many others, found this site through The Small Stuff blog.
Wonderful goodies that are being offered up for some lucky souls to win!
What an awesome giveaway! I'm excited already. I heard about this on the forums.
via the Small Stuff- thanks Bec!! :o)
What an exciting giveaway!
I found out about you guys through the fabulous Bec of Small Stuff too :)
What a wonderful giveaway. I discovered you guys through Bec at the Small Stuff.
Hi BrisStyle Team,
I heard about your fun blog from Etsy...woo-hoo etsy:)
I am now a fan, thanks!!
I first heard about Brisstyle from EtsyDUST team and I heard about this comp. today thru the Treasury featuring Brisstyle etsyians put togeter by artdecadence
Have you seen the new DUST November Sale Oceans and Islands
Hello there - great giveaway - I will kink back to it just to spread the word ....
I think I heard about you thru www.whatkatydiddesign.blogspot.com
She is a crafty wee thing and rather brilliant.
I have you listed as a buy local source on www.coldpeascoldpeas.blogspot.com
good luck with it all and see you at the markets - cheers le
Great packs! I found you via Le @ Third on the Right
will be perusing your blog shortly
I heard about Bris Style from the lovely Emily Ritchie who organised the wonderful Christmas Ornament swap. I also found out more about it from Ali (who was my partner for the swap) I have been blog surfing on there ever since.
I live in Brisbane and I am thinking of coming to your markets one day.
What a fantastic way to get the spirit of X'mas into gear. Thanks ladies.
I heard about Bris Style, from reading the sewing buddy thread.I heard about it from beetle house designs.I am only new to this so this will be my 1st competition I have entered, how exciting.
Bec made me do it!!
Bec's blog (Small Stuff) had the link for the competition - that's how I found you.
Fingers crossed Santa will find me early this year by delivering one of your parcels.
What fantastic Idea..Not enough of our hand made with love goodies are given the homes they deserve..I found out through Teneale and I thank her..Asw living in Sydney now I dont get the chance to wander around the markets anymore!! Belinda
How exciting and how generous - gorgeous work girls, i heard from Brisstyle through the delightful Hey Harriet of SSS fame :0)
Wow this is a fantastic competition! thank you. I found out about this competition from Le @ third on the Right. Glad she pointed me in the direction of your blog!
Those goodies look amazing! I'm always in awe of artsy talent.
I found you through a link on Le's Blog, Third on the Right.
This is one of the best giveaways I've ever seen. Le from Third on the Right sent me. Thanks, jen
I found you from Small Stuff blog and her awesome handbags!
Giveaways are so much fun!:)
I love competitions!
I heard of BrisStyle through Teneale on etsy Dust & facebook!
Looks like Christmas has come early. I would love one of these fab packs! I heard of BrisStyle through www.truelocal.com.au
Hi there,
I heard about this through the DUST etsy forum. I have seen this blog before and I think it is great.
I love supporting local artists and finding cool funky things. So when I stumbled across an old school friend on facebook who sells her designs on Etsy; how could I resist!!
Whee, what fun. I love the stuff and found BrisStyle through the backtack swap site.
Look forward to the announcement later this month.
YAY for Christmas spirit!
I found you via Becs blog, the small stuff.
Ewww! So fun. I found Bris Style through the forums on Etsy!
Today is the first day I've heard of your team, but now that I've seen the blog, I'm going to continue to follow you.
Such a great group of talented artists.
lol how did you find out about brisStyle?
well i think we all already know but jut to repeat it,
i started up brisStyle! :D now i hope thats enough to win me one of those amazing packs!!!!!!! :D
I stumbled upon you by chance. I came from Trishalan Designs blog!
Thank you for the chance to win goodies!
bunnybx at gmail . com
oh yay for giveaways!!!! thanks to all who gave their time in making stuff for the competition
How did you hear about BrisStyle?
i heard about it from a awesome blog by bec
thanks guys
Hi, I first found out about bris style when I followed a link from either the craft blog or whip up to one of the Bris Style blogs. Now I'm always reminded of it when I read the Embellish girls blog.
How did I hear about BrisStyle? The lovely Trish from Trishalan designs is our neighbour at Old Petrie Town Kurwongbah and she mentioned it on her blog so i came for a visit especially!!
Kiss noises Linda Lilly Cottage
I heard about BrisStyle from TwinkleStarArt at EtsyKids Ning. What a great idea for a giveaway!
I read about it on Bec's blog, the small stuff.
Awesome give away!
Awesome giveaway. I found you in the Etsy forums.
I originally heard about Brisstyle from GreenEnvyDesigns. Cheers :)
Heard about BrisStyle from The Small Stuff blog...which I hopped to from Starashan's blog!
Amazing giveaway!
The DUST Team page was my first sighting of you and I have watched you grow from your baby steps and now you are grown up :-)
Go well,
Wow, very cool and you got a lot of attention with this one. Heard about you from the Superstars at yahoo. Great job. The packs are very cute and I wish you much success with this venture. Hope you get lots more responses.
I heard of BrisStyle on the Etsy forums. Cool stuff being given away!
What a fabulous giveaway! I heard about it on the Etsy forums.
Bunny B referred me!!!! Cool stuff!!
wheresbeckybean put a post in the Etsy Forums and how could I possibly not come and enter? Thanks for the fabulous giveaway! Keeping my fingers crossed X
good morning!
i heard about brisstyle from your giveaway link on www.the-giveaway.com . the giveaway is a great site that features etsy shops and their wares all day long! i love it! i get to meet new artists and i LOVE shopping online for unique gifts. i've bookmarked brisstyle and will most likely add you as a link on my own site!!
hugs and thanks for the opportunity to win from these great artists!
I'm very excited to be entered. I heard about this from Ali - http://charlieandgrace.blogspot.com/
This is a great giveaway! I am dying to win!
A great giveaway, heard about it on Etsy!
I heard about the giveaway in the Etsy Forums!!
Too Cool!
I heard about Brisstyle through Justine from the kids playgroup. Beautiful designs!
I heard about your site on the-giveaway.com
Thanks! =)
found out on the giveaway site
i heard about this through the giveaway site!!!
I heard about Brisstyle through etsy dust team forum!
Thank you Gaynor to let us know!!
Wowzers what a cracking giveaway. I found you lovely folks through the link on pedrosrpout's etsy shop - http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5047125
oooh - yummy!
I heard about you from http://bitsoftoffee.blogspot.com/
Good work!
whoops - user error
see previous ...
oooh yummy
Iheard about your from http://bitsoftoffee.blogspot.com/
Good work!
what wonderful prize packages! I heard about you from Nicole over at the Bits of Toffee blog, where she blogged about this site. Have a wonderful week, and thank you for such a generous giveaway!
micaela6955 at msn dot com
I found you from The Giveaway
I found out about the lovely Brissie folks through the DUST Team!
Hi there,
I found out about your site and you guys through LyssyMay and Hot Toffee! You are now on my favourites!
Many thanks
F A B U L O U S idea - so giving, how perfect!! Such a generous promotion - welldone.
Hi - well done all of you. What a fab prize package and I hope that you all do well at your up and coming market.
I folowed Bec's link on her blog The Small Stuff: Celebrating the little things in life.
Thanks Bec for the heads up!
I can't remember exactly but it was via a members blog... I live near Brisbane so I like to keep an eye on what's happening in Bris-vegas!
Gorgeous Gifts to make my heart sing!!!
I heard about brisStyle on this blog:
Thanks Nicole for link to brisStyle!
Oh my Lord, 102 comments!!
I heard about BrisStyle via 'Small Stuff' Blog, and I love it!
I heard about it from etsy. good work! weeeeeee. x j
This is an amazing give away competition!! I'd love to win!
I heard about this fab blog on Etsy.
Woohoo! This is a goodie!
I followed the link from Create and Be Happy's Facebook page:
I am a member of DUST but hadn't come across the Brissie blog before.
Great shops!
Made by Maisie sent me via the Sew Mama Sew forum. Nice site will visit again.
Made by Maisie sent me via the Sew Mama Sew forum
Hi there I heard about the competition by visiting the lovely store of hottoffee and admiring her beautiful jewellery!
Cheers Sue
Sydney, Australia
What a great preholiday giveaway. I heard about the giveaway from http://trishalandesigns.blogspot.com/2008/11/thread-platters.html
I found you through the etsy forums!
This is a great giveaway.
I found you through my favourite blog at the moment - www.madebymaisie.typepad.com
I would love to win.
I'd love to win - of course! Came here via Sew, Mama, sew!
Janne Lea
I heard about Brisstyle when looking for a street team to join on Etsy. At the time you were closed to jewellery designers, and I went with DUST. Now you're not closed, but I do such a huge amount of work for DUST that I couldn't envision myself joining another team and feeling OK about not doing the same amount of work for that team.
Madebymaise sent me your way!! :o)
I read about it in the etsy promotion section
I heard about BrisStyle through the wonderful blog Small Stuff, which I love:
And once I saw those goodie bags, I just had to enter!
Such a fun giveaway! I found out about BrisStyle in the Promo thread of the Etsy Forums.
♥ Bree // breeleed.etsy.com
those all look too lovely not to try!
i stumbled here from
count me in!
Whoo hooo, I came here via www.madebymaisie.typepad.com. Handmade items are my favs!
Hi, bris style is great, saw you on embelish blog. lawsy
I heard about brisstyle via the promotion forums on Etsy!
Who hasn't heard of BrisStyle! What a popular group of talented gals you are.
A little ruby told me:
rubyredstudios.etsy.com &
Christmas cheers, Noel
You guys rock! Heard about you on etsy of course!
What a faboooooolossssssssew giveaway....I'm totally in. I heard about you on HeyHarriet's blog.......YEA!! here is her blog
Thanks sew much!
Hello down there! I am sooo excited to have the chance to win one of your GORGEOUS gift bags! I found your site after checking out
I loved her blog and she mentioned you - so I thought I'd check you out!
Thanks for the opportunity!
Your free gifts are utterly amazing! I would like to win a pack of course. But really I am just here to congratulate you all on the wonderful effort you are making to promote Bristyle.
So many times I have heard Hey Harriet sing your praises. Through her I found you. And many times I have wandered here to look at so many beautiful items!
Happiness always to you all!
This is so neat I LOVE handmade goodies :) I heard about you through The Giveaway blog. My email is arbrae@hotmail.com
I found you on the Etsy forum through "giveaway" search. Thanks for the opportunity.
I found the site from jellygnites etsy store! What a fantastic thing for Brisbane!
What an awesome give-away..I heard of Brisstyle from the wonderfully talented and clever Tracy from Hey Harriet! :D
What fun! We found you through Hey Harriet of course!!
I found you through the Etsy forums. Great stuff! Pick me!
I came across BrisStyle via Hot Fudge's blog (which I had found from her Etsy store). Thanks for the fun!
Jennifer (JasperBoy)
Melbourne, VIC
what a generous giveaway, everything looks so beautiful!
I found out about this through Hey Harriet's blog-which I love!
Good luck everyone!
What fun products your team makes!
I heard of brisstyle in the Etsy forums.
I hears about you thru the Forums at Etsy's Community page. Awesome stuff!
I heard of BrisStyle in the Etsy forum post by wheresbeckybean
Thanks Amy
Oh.. I heard through the forums - one of your members posted the link!
I heard about it on etsy. :o)
I heard about BrisStyle in the Etsy forums.
mbj_contact (at) yahoo (dot) com
Found this whilst strolling thru Etsy - very exciting! Would luv to win from hometown girls!
Great giveaways and wonderful blog. Its nice to see such a talented group of people forming a community. I heard about your blog through the Northern-times.whereilive.com.au in the "your news" section.
x Sanchia
I heard thru hey harriets blog
pick me.. I love Brisbane :) I live right in the middle
what gorgeous goodies on offer
Great Comp! I'd love to be entered.
I found the details at the wonderful Hot Fudge Etsy shop.
I found you from 'Hey Harriet's' blog
what great stuff!!
I'm definitely checking out the holiday shopping!!
How fun! Thanks! and Thanks to Hey Harriett for the heads-up on a great give-away.
I heard about it from: http://www.the-giveaway.com/2008/07/submit-your-giveaway.html
knittingmomof3 AT gmail DOT com
I heard about BrisStyle on Etsy!
What a lovely competition, love to be entered. Found out about it at the Small Stuff's blog. thanks.
I heard about BrisStyle from HeyHarriot.blogspot.com
Enjoy your day!
Count me in!
Heard about this from my co-worker Tracy (Hey Harriet)
Hello! i love the 3rd package! I heard about you on the google search engine :)
I heard about BrisStyle over at http://specialsmallstuff.blogspot.com/
I just love your site. Thanks so much for the contest!
I heard about you through my sister who just told me to sign up lol. These designs would make great gifts!
I heard about this site from Bec (The small stuff Blog) and would love love love to win one of the prizes
I heard about BrisStyle in Mixtape zine. So glad there are so many crafty people in Brisbane! :)
Wet Monday-'Iris and Lilly'-'Small Stuff'=here I am, hoing to get lucky! Off now for a better look at the loverly tings. x
I heard about this lovely giveaway through Made by Maisie. What a great idea!
It started with a love of fonts, which took me to looking on the net for jewellery that uses old typewriter keys which led to etsy and then to BrisStyle and WOW . . . how exciting!
Such fabulous prizes!
I heard about BrisStyles from Hay Harriet (http://heyharriet.blogspot.com/).
I came over from http://specialsmallstuff.blogspot.com/
The temptation is too much! please let me win please please please! :)
I heard about the giveaway through one of my favorite blogs, Hey Harriett(http://heyharriet.blogspot.com/).
Would have to thank Hey Harriet for this one!!!
I heard about it from heyharriet as well! love her blog and yours too!
What a fantastic giveaway. I hope it brings lots of traffic to your stores!
I heard about the giveaway from BeckyBean.
I heard about it through my friend in WA (Amanda Hunt - Polyclarific), she had links to Hot Fudge on her blog, which led me here! :>)
What a lovely find! I would love to attend the Christmas market!
Have a great day.
Wow! This is a supercool giveaway!!!! Thanks for your generosity.
I heard about BrisStyle via the lovely Bec's lovely blog.
I heard about it through The Small Style. I am amazed at this giveaway, it's so generous! I love it! Thank you :o)
Pick me!! Tee hee!
Heard about you from the lovely blog http://specialsmallstuff.blogspot.com/
I'd love to win any of this!
I heard of BrisStyle through The Small Stuff blog :)
Always great to find more handmade wares.
Heard of you guys from flossy-p's blog! http://flossy-p.blogspot.com/ :D
Ooh what an awesome giveaway!! I hope i am lucky enough to win one of these awesome pacsk :)
I heard about BrisStyle through one of my fave blogs http://flossy-p.blogspot.com/
I heard of BrisStyle from an awesome artist Flossy-P.
Hope I win. xoxoox
me too, i found you via flossy-p.
great christmas initiative!
I found out about BrisStyle from
This is an amazing giveaway, thank you for doing this!
hi guys please count me in!!! I found out about you thru the fabulously talented FlossyP.
I heard about you on Flossy-P's blog! :)
What a neat giveaway...
Wow! So many comments! It's so great that Brissy crafters are getting their names out there.
I heard about BrisStyle through Bec's blog, which I think I came across through the Etsy Buy Local tool.
I heard about BrisStyle from Etsy. I'm a big fan of Etsy and now your blog. Thank you!
hehe yay a giveaway!!! i heard about BrisStyle from flossy-p's blog
I found out here: http://specialsmallstuff.blogspot.com/
I found your site through the SewMamaSew site. :0)
I heard about you guys from Etsy!!
*Crossing my fingers since 11/22 is my birthday*
HO HO HO How generous ! What a great giveaway. What great surprises. I am so thankful I saw this at The Giveaway.com . I am puttin you in my favs . will be back again ad again
I saw your post in the etsy forum! Everything looks so yummy!
What a great giveaway! Heart about your giveaway on Posh Mama.
hey i have seen the brisstyle blog listed on a few people's blogger profiles, but i heard about the giveaway on flossy-p's blog.
Great packages to give away!
I heard about BrisStyle a few months ago from Twinkle Star Art :) And I heard about this giveaway from Tracy (Hey Harriet)! You guys all have such amazing work and this is one of the best giveaways I've ever seen! Have fun! xx
What a fun thing to do! Your gifts look so great!
Thanks to Hey Harriet blog for telling me about you.
Of course, I can't just run over to Australia from NJ, USA. Wish I could.
woohoo you brisbane girls rock! I think you're trying to push us sydney and melbourne girls out of the road for australian domination!
I found your lovely blog and brisstyle through the very lovely contributor you have Bec of small stuff and I think i'll be a regular here!
love everything on your blog and giveaway!
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