Thursday, September 3, 2015

BrisStyle goes to Melbourne!

Just over a month ago, BrisStyle Staffers Bel and Kelly-Anne were lucky enough to head down to Melbourne for the inaugural Etsy AU Team Captains Summit!

We were so lucky to spend our time meeting 20 other team captains from all over Australia, chat, network and brain storm ideas on how to better support our local Etsy communities. There were representatives from EtsyAdelaide, Sydney Etsy Team, Stay at Home Mums AU & NZ, Canetsy, WA Street Team, Etsy Resolution, DUST, Makers and Designers (MAD), BrisStyle, Wandarrah, Australian Press & PR, Australian Events, and UK’s Brighton Sellers Team.

We got to hear from the amazing Karli (Dinosauryeah) who with her fantastic team of Volunteers, runs the Brighton Etsy Team in the UK. Karli was recently honoured with the ‘Team Captain of 2015 Award’, and was super happy to share her tips for running the Brighton Etsy team, which is basically a huge collective who get's involved with pretty much everything! From markets to talks, meet ups to pop ups! so there was lots of things we learned from hearing Karli speak.

We got to listen to the other Australian teams experiences and it was great to chat about last years Pop Ups shops so that we could learn from each others experiences this time round for Etsy Made Local (more details coming soon) - Save the date of November 28th!

Another initiative Etsy are launching later this year is the 'Because I am a Girl Campaign'. This initiative involves Etsy sellers making items to a and donating a percentage of  the proceeds of any sales of these items to Plan The project is aimed at lifting girls and women in developing countries out of poverty, allowing them to in turn to help their family and their wider community. Stay tuned to find out how you can participate and make a difference with #makeforgood.

There was lots of brainstorming, group discussions, workshops and fun!  Everyone openly shared their Team’s experiences, challenges, and achievements. We had such a great time, learnt so much, meet some amazing inspiring people (who's teams we can't wait to see grow and prosper!)

For more behind the scenes pics check out #EtsySummitAU on Instagram and Twitter
Some other great posts from the weekend to check out:
Brighton Etsy Team Blog
WA Etsy Team

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