Friday, May 24, 2013

Learn the retro art of Leatherwork for FREE!

1. Myclectic  2. Natalie - Poppytalk 3. 4. Of the Fountain

After some crafty retro action? Let Anita take you back to that crafty age of the 70’s to discover that groovy art of leatherwork. Make a super cool personalised retro leather key ring while learning all the latest tips and tricks from Anita.  With leather scraps so easy to come by these days it's the perfect retro eco craft to learn! 

WHEN    Monday 27 May / 10am - 12pm
WHERE   Upper Mt Gravatt Progress Hall1873 Logan Road, Upper Mt Gravatt
COST     FREE - all materials included!!

BrisStyle Inc. :: Saving the Lost Arts in 2013

A joint initiative of BrisStyle Inc.and the  Brisbane City Council

1 comment:

Karen said...

I love the idea of these workshops, I work full time though so cant attend most of them. Do you thin in the future there is a chance of doing them after hours or on a weekend?